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steven787 said:
Broncos724 said:
These moves would clearly be unpopular, so now is the best time to do it if you're the Bush administration. And I say the less the government regulates our lives, the better.


This is the confusion people often have.  This isn't government regulating your life.  This is government regulating things that effect your life that you wouldn't have any control over.  Like Bush has already done to the inspection of food, regulation of the sale of drugs, the testing of contaminants and poisons in products like toys, banking supervision, the security of our airports and seaports, and now he wants to extend that to everything else.

Saying " the less the government regulates our lives, the better", when we are talking about government regulation for health, safety, or security of finances demonstrates a lack of understanding. 

Regulating the manufacture, shipment, and sale of items or products that we can not control as individual citizens is not a bad thing.  It's actually understood in capitalism, that to have a free market you need to have equal information.  The government has the duty to make sure these things are safe because if they are not you'll find out after you're already sick or dead.

Of course all the genius amateur-free market-economists on the internet would not know that, because they've never tried to actually learn about it.

BTW, on an aside:

When does a republican stay out of your life?  Guns and...  guns and...

If they had had their way over the past 50 years, blacks still would barely be able to vote, discrimination for race, gender, age, and disability would still be a-OK, your boss would still be able to sexually harass you, and injustice would be even more rampant than it is today.  If you're gay, they don't want you to have rights.  If your young or black, they don't want you to vote.  If your skin is brown, they don't want you to immigrate.  If you don't believe in their god, they want to kick you out of school.  If you get injured while doing something heroic, they send you a medical bill.  They tap your phone and arrest you with out due process, in the name of the public good.


The main function of government is to protect its people (at least that is how I see it).  So clearly there are some regulations that are necessary, and I agree with this.  But at some point regulations become more burdensome than helpful, they stifle economic growth.  When regulating something there's a tradeoff, and the question is whether or not the increased security is worth the economic decrease.

Oh and with that last paragraph, great way to associate the entire Republican party with the radical religious nutjobs of the right.  Way to be mature.