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Kantor said:
vlad321 said:
Kantor said:
vlad321 said:
Kantor said:
vlad321 said:
Kantor said:
I haven't liked 1UP since they gave an A- to Wii Music.
So, Wii Music is better than Resistance 2? Pfft.


Yes. An alien shooter vs something that hasn't been done before? I would have thought the answer would be obvious. For the record I haven't played either yet. Can't wait to get my hands on both of them in the coming months though.

Army of Two hadn't been done before. Wii Sports hadn't been done before. Lair hadn't been done before.

Does that make them good?


Army of Two had been done before, that's why it was scoring so low with people, and Lair couldn't even get the controls down, which has been done before many times and has always been met with low low review scores.

Also, I haven't even seen Lair being played anywhere, but from what I have seen doesn't it look an awful lot like panzer dragoon?


P.S. Why do you even bother with an avatar from a game which proves the fact that consoles will never have as good games as the PC due to control limitations?

When did I say that I didn't like PC Gaming? I will happily admit that RTS can only work on a PC, and that has been proven time and time again (Populous on PS, Universe at War on 360). EndWar might break that pattern, but we'll see.

Warcraft III is firmly in my top ten favourite games of all time.

And you know what? I don't care. Let people believe that Wii Music is better than Resistance 2 because somebody tells them it is. Let them. I'm happy in my 'ignorance'.


Now you are ignoring the problem completely by focusing on a postscript. I also forgot to mention that Gears of War was where Army of Two got its base idea from.

Either post low scoring, never before done games that were executed well, or just let it be.


And exactly how do you know it was executed well? Have you played it?

If not, you know no more about it than I do. The difference is that you're basing this on one review, while I am basing it on 14.

Neither of us can really know about this game until we have played it. The majority of the media seems to dislike it, and 1UP is a clear anomaly to this.

I have also not played Resistance 2. However, instead of being at the top in ratings, it is at the bottom.

These are facts. My conclusions are opinion. Disregard them if you want.



I'm not basing it on just one, no reviews are bashing the executiono of the game. I haven't heard of any problems with controls, AI, Physics, or any other mechanics. Just whining and bitching about content when they obviously aren't the target audience.


Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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