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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Euphoria14 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Euphoria14 said:

Good score but I just have to wonder how a game clearly surpasses it's predecessor in every way and brings to the table new features not seen before in a console FPS yet gets a lower score.

I'll be the first to drop a bet saying they praise the 5 on 5 in Gears and award the game an A or A+ because it advanced from 4 on 4 to 5 on 5. It will be less advancement from it's predecessor (when comparing to R2 from R1) yet receive an equal or higher score.

*By the way, I do not hate Gears, I love it actually, it is just that I can honestly see this happening and it just doesn't seem fair.*


The only advancement that really matters to me is in the campaign and co-op. Just saying, that's my stance.

Also, letting casuals review casual games....that's actually the way the review system should be worked, no?

Anyway, flaming 1up because you have a problem with this review, and then citing things they've done in the past as reasons, is damage control. Some people are controlling damage where there is none. B+ is great, and just because everyone doesn't think R2 is the best thing since sliced bread doesn't mean they're all idiots. Different reviewers work for some publications.

I highly doubt this is a "fanboy" review.


I am not damage controlling. I just do not understand how they can talk about it advancing past the original


Maybe 2 different people reviewed it?

Games change and evolve. While I certainly believe that R2 is much better than resistance, wasn't resistance like a launch title?

Gamespot gave Perfect Dark 0 a 9/10. Early games on next gen consoles are almost always over-rated. Could it not be that the original R:FOM review was too high?

Games, especially ones in the FPS genre, must be compared to other games released at the time. While 10 years ago, a halo clone like Haze might have been hailed as a creator of new ideas, and a perfect game, now it's just a ripoff. FPS is based off graphics, gameplay, immersion, story, and sound design. Those things averages have scaled up(except for immersion and story) since the PS3 was released. R2 scaled with them. You can't give a game a perfect score just because you gave the first inferior game a really good score. You have to check all the variables.

That said, I'm not defending this review, more like, defending 1up, because I feel some assumptions are being made about them, when there might be reasonable explainations for them.


I am not expecting a perfect score either. I think an 85 is a great score. It is just that in terms of FPS right now, what offers more, specially multiplayer wise than R2 is offering?

Some may be making assumptions of 1UP, I personally do not care, I just see it in a different way so of course opinions are going to be different. They loved LBP, so I have no beef with them.

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