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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Euphoria14 said:

Good score but I just have to wonder how a game clearly surpasses it's predecessor in every way and brings to the table new features not seen before in a console FPS yet gets a lower score.

I'll be the first to drop a bet saying they praise the 5 on 5 in Gears and award the game an A or A+ because it advanced from 4 on 4 to 5 on 5. It will be less advancement from it's predecessor (when comparing to R2 from R1) yet receive an equal or higher score.

*By the way, I do not hate Gears, I love it actually, it is just that I can honestly see this happening and it just doesn't seem fair.*


The only advancement that really matters to me is in the campaign and co-op. Just saying, that's my stance.

Also, letting casuals review casual games....that's actually the way the review system should be worked, no?

Anyway, flaming 1up because you have a problem with this review, and then citing things they've done in the past as reasons, is damage control. Some people are controlling damage where there is none. B+ is great, and just because everyone doesn't think R2 is the best thing since sliced bread doesn't mean they're all idiots. Different reviewers work for some publications.

I highly doubt this is a "fanboy" review.


I am not damage controlling. I just do not understand how they can talk about it advancing past the original, including 8 player co-op campaign that is unique to the original campaign, feature 60 man multiplayer, new weapons, etc... and score lower than Resistance 1. It is clearly an all around better game than its predecessor.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

I do not think it is a fanboyish review, yes maybe it seemed that way because of the Gears comment, but as already stated in this thread, 1UP did give LBP an A+.

Gears 2 I would expect to receive equal to or better than Gears 1 because it does advance in terms of gameplay and online play, maybe not as much IMO, but advancements none the less. I just think it should have been the same here.

This would be like Fable II scoring lower than Fable I. I just can't understand it if it happened.

It is ok for people to disagree with a score. At least I am giving a reason as to why I disagree.

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