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Euphoria14 said:

Good score but I just have to wonder how a game clearly surpasses it's predecessor in every way and brings to the table new features not seen before in a console FPS yet gets a lower score.

I'll be the first to drop a bet saying they praise the 5 on 5 in Gears and award the game an A or A+ because it advanced from 4 on 4 to 5 on 5. It will be less advancement from it's predecessor (when comparing to R2 from R1) yet receive an equal or higher score.

*By the way, I do not hate Gears, I love it actually, it is just that I can honestly see this happening and it just doesn't seem fair.*


The only advancement that really matters to me is in the campaign and co-op. Just saying, that's my stance.

Also, letting casuals review casual games....that's actually the way the review system should be worked, no?

Anyway, flaming 1up because you have a problem with this review, and then citing things they've done in the past as reasons, is damage control. Some people are controlling damage where there is none. B+ is great, and just because everyone doesn't think R2 is the best thing since sliced bread doesn't mean they're all idiots. Different reviewers work for some publications.

I highly doubt this is a "fanboy" review.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.