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I like people bashing 1up for their Wii Music review considering they have never even touched the game. And now they are offended their awesome hardcore game is getting a score lower than that. Boo Hoo, maybe if R2 wasn't another alien shooter like a dozen games out there with minimal innovations in gameplay it would have done better.

OT: Good review and I might enjoy this title once I finish the games that have been lining up quite fast, and will continue to line up even more. As to the question about improving over the predecessor, just because it improved it doesn't mean anything. I personally feel that anything above an A/90 should only be reserved for games that really stand out over the rest with new and innovative concepts/gameplay. Improvement is not enough. A+/100 should only be saved for genre re/defining games.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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