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I find it sometimes hard to justify throwing down even 50 bucks for a game. I'll grab a new game if its one of those "greatest hits" million seller titles that are discounted, or I'll buy a used one at a reasonable price. Perhaps if I had more disposable income (i.e. money for non-essential stuff), then I could invest more in videogames. But as it stands, I'll scrap from the bottom of the barrel for my games My neighbor is totally into the EBGames "trade in 3 used games for 1 new game" deal, so he buys a bunch of games, and then when he gets tired of them, he does the trading in. I think that's a lot of money, IMO. I think what I'll do is once I get a Wii, I'll offer to pay him 50% for the games he decides to trade in anyways. That way, I get my used games cheaper, and he gets more money than if he was going to trade them in (75 bucks cash vs. 50 bucks store credit)