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Bitmap Frogs said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Oblivion? heck their earlier elder scroll games were a buggy mess. You pretty much had to play these with a guide just to avoid the game-critical bugs. Both Morrowind and Oblivion just cemented that opinion.

The only thing their games are good for is modding and that's not something you can do on consoles.


Again, that's your opinion. I glad you decided to be so vocal about it, because hate speech is far too quite on this forum.


Yeah, sometimes I forget forums are just to exchange smily icons at each other =(

You've mentioned your opinion, and reinforced it. I found this line a tad insulting, honestly: Bethesda always has been a crappy developer, because it goes totally against my opinion, and because i respect Bethesda and the people who work there, and if nothing else, they work hard on their games. No need to campaign your opinion around and keep trying to convince others, that's all I'm saying. You're on record. You really passionately hate Bethesda, and you hate this game simply because they developed it. I understand, and it makes me sad, but let that be the end of it. No need to continually re-enforce that already flaming opinion, with new and more relevant flaming opinions.

Saying, "Nintendo has always been a crappy developer" is what I equate your statment to. That's why I've reacted the way I did.

Late reply, been playing Fable 2 furiously ;)

You see the problem is that you find opinions that aren't inline with yours insulting.

Well, I try not to get banned, so I can never be completely honest about my opinions here. Let's just say that I'm angry at your reasonings and not your opinion. It's more of a cultural divide, and while I know it's popular, I really dislike internet 2.0. Everyone, assumes that they have the same abilities as any other human, with reasoning and deduction, and thus no one ever becomes and expert, no one has ever been a laymen, and there is no skill building or knowlege required to be the absolute judge and jury on anything. To an even greater extent, things are now judged not even by their own merits, but by some lesser variable, like a trailer, screenshot, or the developer's last game, which yes, I find vastly insulting. People marginalize this game because they want some reason not to credit/purchase/or otherwise tout it. We look and hope for those reasons in all games, and all things. It's human nature. Our reasoning is not only to protect us, but to reassure us, and reduce stress.

"Caveman leave apple on tree?! Apple have worm anyway, caveman smart! Sleep well tonight."

So that's as honest as I get...without being banned for completely anti PC rhetoric.

...and by PC I mean politically correct, not personal computer.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.