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starcraft said:
I don't think equating the potential success of the shooters in NA for Sony with the potential success of GT5 and FFXIII in Europe and Japan respectively is intelligent.

The problem is, Microsoft has the US shooter crowd locked up, whereas they do not have the Europe racer crowd or the Japanese JRPG crowd locked up.

MAG is a LONG way off, Killzone 2 has been relegated to the sales dead zone (regardless of whether it is any good, there is a limit too how many systems it can sell in February). And Resistance 2 isn't going to bring in anyone that doesn't already have Resistance 1. Furthermore it is unlikely the Ps3 will receive a price cut prior to March (end of Sony's financial year) as the company doesn't want to loose too much.

MAG is not a LONG way off, it is next year. Why is KZ 2 in the sales dead zone, GTA and MGS managed to move masses of hardware out of season, and I know they are much larger franchises, but KZ 2 will move some consoles, and having that game on the console will help people make their decision come chirstmas

Resistance 2 has improved in every way over R1, and people who bought the console for R1 would have been early adopters, R2 is going to have better reviews (well it has so far) and so will move a good number of consoles, though we only have a week to find out