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@vlad321: On what setup? Of course it will run at least adequately on a 360 since it was built for the damn thing.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Mise said:
My brother's buying the game eventually anyway, and I don't need a spare copy of a (most likely) sloppily programmed resource hog of a game that probably won't even run on my 2-year old laptop.

I'll reserve judgment for the game once I get to actually try it, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Any "big" review that comes out around the game's release is bound to be artificially enhanced, anyway.

So, all of LBP's reviews are artifically enhanced also, and it really deserves a lower score?




Let's just say that I'm quite suspicious of any and all "Big magazine" reviews of a predicted blockbuster game that come out within 4-6 weeks of the games release (either before or after), regardless of the game in question. Whether the game actually deserves the score or not (IMO) will be decided when I actually try the game and not before, as I said.

When I look at the Eurogamer and IGN reviews you posted, I don't see a critical, balanced, professional opinion. I see something more akin to a review of C&C: Red Alert that I wrote to my local school paper when I was thirteen years old, and a raving C&C-fanboy.

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