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I'm definitely big on 'the experience' this is why I'm a sucker for big pretty RPG's. I play games on my PC more than anything else, always have, always will. FPS and RTS I love probably the most (RPG's are up there) and the PC gets most of them (mouse keyboard :)). In the past I have purchased all of the consoles within a year of launch, I got the Dreamcast at Launch, GameCube at Launch, Xbox at Launch and PS2 2 years after launch. It's different this gen though because things are so much more expensive this time around. Price is also a massive thing for me... I don't own a 360 or a PS3 yet, but I do own a Wii because it was easier to afford... however I don't really like it that much because I'm quite sick of all the games for it... I need some of the games coming later in the year honestly, because at the moment the thing sits there collecting dust or playing VC games. Next console I will likely buy will be the 360 because it's getting to the point where there are enough really good games to justify that price, I'm definitely a graphics whore and can't get enough of good graphics... I have kept myself away from looking at Gears of War actually running so far because I know as soon as I see this baby I'm going to finally plonk down the money for a 360. The only thing is I don't want to buy a 360 with the change of getting a Red Ring model... everyone I know who has owned one so far has experienced this, so to me that makes it a 100% certainty that it will happen. Bring on the Elite Model for me! PS3 I will probably get eventually, but there are less and less reasons that this console appeals to me quite honestly. This might end up being the only generation of recent times that I haven't bought a console across it's life. If FFXIII goes to 360 then I doubt i'll ever pick one up unless some seriously good RPG's come to that, however Eternal Sonata and Blue Dragon should be enough to keep me happy on 360 for a while when they come out. When it comes down to it, it's all about the games that are available, a lot of the 360 games I want to play are coming to PC so that slightly talks me out of getting a 360 until the RPG's arrive... if Gears of War was to come to PC any time soon (it will eventually) that'll hurt the 360 until some major price drops for me.