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KBG29 said:
This is getting so out of hand. All of these sites that were set on the failure of the PS3 are now taking it personaly that the thing is doing well. The attacks from these people are even worse than the attacks were back when PS3 was in a bad place. Now people are going out of their way to try and sway people away from the PS3, and that is wrong. I know we have freedom of speech in America so these places like CNN, Cnet, MSNBC, and the rest can say whatever they want. It is just really sad when they have all teamed up on Sony, and they are trying to turn the name into somthing bad.

This world is really getting messed up. No one has any morals anymore. People no longer care about quality. Parents are failing at raisng their children. The govenment is in a seemingly unescapable whole. When is this going to stop? I know most people in this world want this to end, and would love for the world to work as one. We should be educating the young, and trying to avoid these problems, but instead adults are failing. They only care about themselves, and are ignoring the youth of the world. Placing all of their problems on these innocent children. This is causeing the youth of the world to fire back, and I am scraed to see what is going to happen in the next 20 years. When these drug dealing, back stabing, lazy mooching, irresponsable kids become adults.

I know this is taking the artical a little far and people trashing the Sony name is a very little part of this, but it is related. If the people of this world can not learn to work together and stop hating eachother things are going to get worse.

Michael Jackson was right. Adults are ruining the world. People are growing old and getting less and less mature. Loosing their creativeness and love for the world. Humanity has become a pethetic failure.

Well its the media in general. When the product is on top for so long the only thing the media wants the most is for it to lose its place and when it does kick it while its down. Thats the motto of media , just look at brittney. The media does it just to get views and thats exactly what cnet is doing


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