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@frybread: I was about to make fun of you because you didn't know that 4+ GB RAM capability is based on 32 vs 64-bit technology, not XP verses Vista OS. However, I didn't because it is perfectly reasonable for a PC gamer not to know that if it has never come up Also, it may have been a mistype and Epsilon beat me to the punch.


With games, I was specifically referring to Cedega, a program that gears itself towards making Windows games work on Linux. Sure, it costs some money subscription based, but you are paying them to take newer games and try to make them work on linux. It is an active process, not just releasing a program out into the wild and hoping. Plus, it costs less than most Windows users pay for antivirus.

Here is some math for you:
Windows XP/ Vista OEM costs approx 150$, depending on your version.
Ubuntu costs 0$

So lets see how many more times expensive Windows is over Ubuntu.
150/0 = DIVIDE BY 0 ERROR.

What the hell....lets figure this out.
150/0.1 = 1,500
150/0.01 = 15,000
150/0.001 = 150,000
150/0.0000001 = 1,500,000,000
150/0.00000000001 = 1.5x10^13
150/1x10^-92 = 1.5 x 10^92

so the closer we get to dividing 150 by 0, the closer we approach infinity. So, on average, Windows XP/Vista is infinity times more expensive than Linux. Is Windows infinity times better than Linux?

I had some spare time at work Lets see if anyone can refute that logic.