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Windows 7 will be a huge improvement. The scrutiny it's being given is getting pretty old.

First, let's look at Vista. Vista was a good thing done badly. Vista was as big a leap, if not bigger, as XP was from 98. On XP's release, drivers didn't work, software didn't work, etc. This same thing happened with Vista. Some of these issues (software and drivers) are not Microsoft's fault. In fact, Microsoft goes out of their way (creating bloat in the process unfortunately) to make their OS work with old legacy software.

People love to praise Macs. I wonder how many of them have used Macs. Hell, I wonder how many of them have used Macs for 8+ years. OS X, when released, had no backwards compatibility with OS 9. One would have to run an OS 9 emulator for the software to work. It was a radical leap. That's not necessarily a bad thing, though. But even new releases of software will not even run on older versions of OS X. Firefox 3 requires OS X 10.4 or higher.

I love Linux, but upgrading would be a nightmare for the average user; Even with Ubuntu. If one is going to fault Vista for it's driver support, I don't want to hear Linux mentioned anywhere in it's vicinity. This isn't Linux's fault, it's the manufacturer's for not support Linux. Ergo, it's the manufacturer's fault for not properly supporting Vista when released.

And let's not even mention Mac's and their third party hardware. Having to bring up the console to get a wireless adapter to work on a G3 Mac just screams easy to use! Oh right, that's not supported. You need to buy airport with their proprietary wireless to have support. There is no need for driver support with Mac's because there is such a small amount supported hardware when compared to a Windows compatible PC. Hackintoshes (Home built PCs built to run OS X) need to be built with the right components to run OS X. The supported hardware is quite small in comparison (and, of course, definitely not supported).

I'm sorry, but Microsoft's Windows has much better support than any of the alternatives. Of course, people are less forgiving towards the market leader.

That being said, Windows 7 promises to be fully compatible with Vista. If this is true, we shouldn't need to worry about driver or software problems. The OS core should only be streamlined for Windows 7. Windows 7 is a good thing.