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Million said:
Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:
ymeaga1n said:
ssj12 said:
thank you M$ for another OS no one will give a damn about because it looks like crap and probably works like crap too.

Care to elaborate on your OPINION. Or should we just take it as a opinion of a bitter anti-"m$" lunatic? I frankly do give a damn about it. As are the 90% of people in the future that are likely to be using the OS.

It looks better than any previous windows. And if you had actually done some research on it rather than just judging it from the pictures you would know the new taskbar is way more useful.




1. This OS will obviously be a resource hog like Vista. This will make it so that most general PC buyers wont get proper performance off a PC purchased at WalMart or any other supplier for under $500.

1a. This was also an issue for businesses with Vista due to the fact they had to buy new PCs.

Was demonstrated running on a netbook with 1gb of ram with only 512 in usage. Worked great.

2. Just like Vista the PC users who have an understanding will only upgrade if there is an obvious need to move up or if software available for the platform is good like XP's.

It comes with the PC, old one gets slow so buy a new one with this preinstalled. Microsoft can't invent a need for people to upgrade.

3. Will it have as many issues as Vista. While this remains to be seen, Vista was well known to have hardware and software compatibility issues due to Microsoft's inability to push out proper programming SKUs for developers even after launch.

It will work with Vista drivers, and they are hard at work ensuring compatibility.

4. Visually the GUI is not appealing as say XP is. Looking at it you see many shape edges and boxes that makes things look uninviting to use.


5. While Microsoft is adding new features, stolen yet again from Apple, the general PC users from both XP and Vista will have to relearn the operating system's features due to the fact that the OS's friendliness is lowered another notch for each new feature added.

Most users will find the I.E and mail icons where they left them last.

@ Epsilon, I know you wanna give up the free "crap" and go with the number 1 OS maker in the world by volume of sales!!!!

JKJKJKJK Btw hows the Linux/games thing going?



If your not paid by MS to be so biased then I feel sorry for you man.




 You clearly have not a clue what biased means. You must see it around this forum quite often, don't be fooled though, you do actually have to understand it to use the word.