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perpride said:

1 - If you want to speak about the subjectivity of art, then again, any piece of shit game can be called the best game of all time. I agree with you that art (music, games, whatever) is extremely down to the individual; but does this mean that we should have no way of actually measuring whether a game is good or not? Sales cannot be what you base your decision on. Wii Music will likely go on to sell more units than Gears of War, MGS4, Uncharted, Lost Oddyssey, Mass name it! This does not mean it is a beter game.


Nor does it make it worse. I agree that you can't base quality on sales alone, but it's better than basing it on reviewers' opinions. Even 100 reviews, by "professional reviewers", is a very small and skewed sample. Especially when you consider the review in question. He went into the review having decided he didn't like the game. Wow... I'll value his opinion more than a high sales volume?

edit: Things change of course when you gain a certain level of trust in a person's opinion.


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