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Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
De85 said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:


Could have used a better example.  Aren't the problems w/ PS3 version of F3 soon to be patched?  Plus, most games are equal now.  Seen plenty of comparisons where PS3 versions come out on top.  PS3 is often the lead platform.  PS3 is selling faster than 360 did, so that will continue to be true.

Hasn't 360 cost more, historically, when you consider the extras you need to buy, online gameplay you need to buy, meltdowns you need to deal with, vs the cool quiet complete PS3 package?

And I don't consider PSN titles at 90 to be as much of an asset to PS3 as full games with 90.  Same as with 360.  Problem?


Bolded is complete fanboy bullshit.  Nobody NEEDS to buy anything beyond the console itself.  I have purchased ZERO accessories, do NOT pay for Live, and my 360 is a year old and so far has not died.  It runs quiet and cool so I do not expect it to. 

Guess what?! It plays games just as well as do the boxes of people who do buy the extras, and I am able to enjoy it just as much. 

As for the XBLA game argument, while each game by itself, may not equal a full release game, taken together they are a very compelling package.  Braid + Castle Crashers + Geo Wars 2 + Portal > the majority of games out there, regardless of which console they are on.

Instead of "vs" at the end I should have said "to equal" the PS3 package.  Because yeah, you've got a cheaper stripped down option.  To get what PS3 gives you though, you'll pay more.  (and possibly kick yourself if you threw in an HDDVD player at one point).  Change the words I mentioned, and it's true, not bullshit.

Agree that the suite of 360 games is compelling.  Don't mean to say otherwise.


Although there has been no official announcement from Microsoft, U.S. retailers have begun advertising an "Xbox Live Starter Pack,"including a 60GB hard drive, headset, Ethernet cable and three-month gold subscription to Xbox Live for a price of $99.

An entry on the website for retailer GameStop describes the package as "everything you need to get up and running" on Xbox Live. A release date of Tuesday, November 11th is indicated for the bundle.

No equivalent bundle has yet been listed by any European stores, although generally new SKUs do not appear before an official announcement with the same regularity and reliability as in the U.S.

While sales of the Xbox 360 Arcade model, which does not feature a bundled hard drive, have increased sharply since its recent price cut, Microsoft has made a concerted effort to make the peripheral more easily available as an upgrade.

Last month the company unveiled a promotional offer for refurbished hard drives costing just $19.99, as a means to ensure users could upgrade easily to the forthcoming New Xbox Experience dashboard update.

Microsoft's Xbox 360 group product manager Aaron Greenberg recently talked to Gamasutra about the importance of accessibility initiatives like these to the company's console strategy, and noted iNiS' music game Lips as one of the titles likely to attract a broader consumer base.

Now a report from consumer site Kotaku shows that the European audience, among whom Sony's SingStar games have found significant success, will receive a Lips bundle with a console, microphone and a copy of the game.


Now it wount cost as much 99$ XBL starter kit that amazing so arcade and that would make it about 300$ for a 360 with everything you need correct?


Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)