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I've currently played through 70% of Far Cry 2, and I think it's a very good game apart from the AI.

For Example. I was given a mission in which I had to blow up a few nitrous cylinders which were located in a well protected area, so I got in my Jeep and headed towards the cylinders. On my way there I had to force through a couple of Roadblocks, and each time I forced myself through one, an enemy Jeep chased after me. Once I realized that I was being chased I did some skilled off-road driving and I took numerous short cuts to evade them. I then drove on for another 5 minutes until I was near the area where the cylinders were located. I ditched my Jeep so it could not be seen as I crept towards the area. I was moving slowly in very tall dried grass when I realized that I was being shot at! I looked up and saw that a sniper very very very far away was sniping me and shooting me in the head when I was sprinting. Since I had no sniper rifle I decided to retreat a little and find cover. It was at this moment I realized that I was now being shot at with an AK-47. I looked around everywhere but couldn't see where the bullets where coming from so I sprinted up to higher ground. I then saw that It was the enemies from those roadblocks I had passed miles ago! Then even more bullets began to come my way as the enemies from the proteted area closed in on me.

So there I was being sniped by a sniper that could of never seen me, getting machine gunned by enemies that I evaded like 4 miles ago and that could of never tracked or followed me, and being headshotted by guys that where so far away from me I could hardly see them. And all this was on Normal difficultly.

When the AI cheats like that I wouldn't like to play it on hard mode