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Eternal Sonata bombed in NA sales but overall its done okay.

60k isn't the best but remember the game will continue to sell and it hasn't been released in PAL regions yet (where it should sell 50k+ lifetime)... ohh and the 360 version has sold 250k + PAL region sales...

In the end i blame the publisher for handling the release so poorly.

1) Its a year late
2) Its full price
3) Bioshock 2 weeks ago, Dead Space last week, LittleBigPlanet this week, Motorstorm 2 next week, Resistance 2, CoD:WaW, Valkyrie Chronicles all around the corner...

If the game had of been released in September OR early October than it would of sold better... but now it has too much competition -- how many people have the money to buy all the upcoming games they want. And then of them how many have to the time to play all those games.