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perpride said:
radha said:
c0rd said:
Kyros said:
That person simply didn’t like what we presented in “Wii Music.”

You could say the same things about Ninjabread Man. Perhaps the game is simply bad? Or the concept is stupid? I mean I wouldn't expect the developer to acknowledge it anyway.

Now, how many copies did Ninjabread Man sell?

Reviewers don't determine what is good or bad, the majority does. Matt from IGN is just one guy out of the (possibly) millions that will try this game.



What does that means?? that the earth is really flat? that gallio was wrong? that britney is better that bethoven????

you really think that quality is democratic????? and that really is affected by the opinion of the masses???? what do you mean  with that statement?


The number of copies the game sells are only important if you are Nintendo. It mean nothing of its quality. You're argument can be turned to say "if Ninjabread man sold 10 million copies it would be a good game".

First, the whole Galileo and Copernicus argument would be about perspective vs. reality. When it comes to entertainment and the arts, quality is very much subjective. There are things that can be quantified and measured within either one, but what entertains or moves someone is typically, personal and different for every person.

Second, Cord said the majority decides quality, not sales. Beethoven died over 180 years ago, and his music is still played and recognized worldwide to this day. (A small piece of which is IN Wii Music) Do you really think the same will be true of Britney Spears music? If there is a mandate from the people that determines quality, it should be looked at in the context of when and why it came to be, and how long it actually lasts.

And lastly, by majority I think cord simply means the masses decides what will stand the test of time, not the incredibly few elite who believe their choices for art and entertainment are the right ones.