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The Fury said:
bugrimmar said:
The Fury said:

Yes, and it seems a fair amounth of Superman's villians (or at least main one's) have it, I mean Luthor has loads and Metallo has it crafted into his chest. Now fair enough Darkseid can stand his own but he's not human.

Hulk can beat Juggs in strength but Hulk's durability is base on physical power, his skin is tough but can be pentrated, Stabberine's claws is example of that. Wolverine cannot harm Juggernaut because of Juggs's invulnerbility, he might outsmart him but Wolverine cannot harm Juggernaut. As a fan, I'm sure you know, like I do, cartoon is not the comics and the comics are where the characters are defined. (And lets not say Wolverine is top tier, murdering bar-stewards have no place there).

Superman is powerful sure, he's got strength, speed beyond anyone but does that really make him better?


...I think I've moved on my conversation into my 'Superman is crap' arguement's I use when talking to people, sorry about that.


Back to subject, yes, Superman will win in MKvsDC, based on comics powerscales.



yes, the main villains do have it. but where will a guy like kano get it?

hulk's durability and strength is directly tied to his rage. when thanos fought him, he was very surprised that this thing would not stop because the more he got hit, the more he wanted to fight. so the fact that wolverine can damage him and induce a sense of equality with him means wolverine is up there with the hulk, and hence up there with juggernaut.

S-man's qualities definitely does make him better than everyone else. he has the combination of everything good about every other character out there. and the only real way to beat him is to have that rare fragment of a planet long gone, or be an insanely crafted conspiracy called 'doomsday' (the biggest mistake in dc's existence).

Villains are in this game, are they not? I'm sure Luthor or Joker will have some to trade somwhere.

And true Hulk's strength is based on rage and potentially limitless. But again that is the difference between physical durabuility which has no limits and Juggernaut's based based in vulnerbility. Juggernaut may never be as strong as Hulk but he's invulnerable, which is a definately, while Hulk's durability is not.

And magic, he's weakened by magic, this includes godly.

And he most certainly is not better, physical powers do not make you better, just more powerful. Heck even is character and values are nothing compared to Captain America.


uh.. its mk vs dc. the dc dudes are banding together to fight the mk dudes (according to the story on gametrailers)

i disagree that the hulk is more vulnerable than the juggernaut. gladiator practically removed him from the face of the earth in three seconds, therefore has an amount of vulnerability (even if gladiator is rather cosmologically based). the way you say it makes it seem like jug can't be hurt at all by any means. wolverine possesses the toughest and strongest material in the universe embedded in his skeleton. i'm sure that can pierce through juggernaut's armor.

erm.. since when do character and values help in winning a real fight? never. i thought we were meaning 'better' to be 'better in battle'. no one is better in battle than S-man (aside from the aforementioned mistake of dc named doomsday).