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Jordahn said:
It seems like the usual suspects are trying to mainly focus on the bad news to downplay any success SONY has with the PS3. The big picture is that SONY is taking a hit to provide consumers a quality product with a growing demand while taking steps to help improve what they are doing to provide that product. I'm encompassing all while some of you are are not, painting a false picture of near total negativity when this is not the case. The PS3 would be a "very very bad idea for Sony" if operation losses stay the same if not worse while the demand for the PS3 has not increased. It's opposite has happened so it's reasonable to say that an encouraging positive outlook for the PS3 is deserved.


The big picture is that you're in a financial thread and that making a loss is a bad thing for Sony. This is not a fanboy thing where you can argue whether sales are fine or not, losing money, your shareholders money, is a bad thing. Always.

Sure the Ps3 is doing fine saleswise, but if SCE is unable to translate in to positive figures that's not important. And yes, at this moment the PS3 looks like a very bad business decision, since they lost loads of money over it, despite the quality of the product. I don't ever see them breaking even on the PS3 project tbh.