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People stealing levels - This is only a problem for levels created in the beta.  Possibly one of the reasons why MM didn't want to allow beta levels in the final game.  Remember the mock horror on the Internet when this was being discussed?  If you publish an original level in the final game it will be timestamped.  If someone truly steals your level, you will be able to use the "Grief System" to report.

Trophy levels - This is bound to happen.  The only way to fix this is to restrict certain trophies to MM created levels.  Then everyone would go to youtube to figure out how to get the trophy anyways.

People uploading unfinished/broken/test levels - This will be a problem just as it is a problem for youtube.  The heart/ranking system will limit a user's exposure to unfinished/broken levels.  This is a drawback to user created content.  The pluses far outweigh the negatives.

People asking for the Kratos costume code ALL THE TIME - This is annoying.  I suspect the preorder bonus dlc will be for sale soon enough.

The servers can't cope - Please fix soon. 

Thanks for the input, Jeff.