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DMeisterJ said:
It doesn't have to do with horrible sales and such.

It's the stronger yen than a weaker dollar. As you can see, the sales for the TVs are solid, as are PS3 sales. It has to do with the economy... Sony can't do anything about that.



I posted this in the other Sony financial thread.  Sony loses 40 million dollars for every yen gain against the dollar, and they lose 77 million for every yen gain against the Euro.  They yen has gained 16 against the dollar from the end of last quarter to the end of this quarter(107 to 91).  That's a 640 million loss just on currency conversion.  Sony is meeting their sales targets(increasing the PSP by 1 million units), and they are controlling costs.  That is all they can do, the rest is up to the markets.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.