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Bitmap Frogs said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
SpartanFX said:
you know what really is sad,,,last year 360 owners had halo3 ,bioshock, Mass effect,..... to brag about but this year they brag about Braid and portal:still alive,geometry wars,,,,, lool(mini online games)


Some day you'll get over the fact you picked the wrong choice this gen and the rage will subside.

In the meanwhile, yeah... XBLA is a fountain of awesomeness. 90+ AAA games for 12$.

Btw, once I'm done with Fable 2 I'm buying up geometry wars 2. I've put way too many hours on the demo lol.


Thank you so much.  Thank you.  You just succinctly shit on the theory that each 90+ rated game can be counted equivalently.

Reviewer: "for a mini-game, pretty damn good.  90."  But is that equivalent to a system having a full AAA game.  No.


Shouldn't you be complaining about paying 400$ for the privilege of playing the inferior version of most multiplatform games?

Fallout 3 reviews just landed and oh snap, the 180$ arcade without cell, blueray drive nor hard disk plays the game better =/

Then I was gonna nail you with PSN padding the numbers as well but mrstickball got ahead of me =(


Could have used a better example.  Aren't the problems w/ PS3 version of F3 soon to be patched?  Plus, most games are equal now.  Seen plenty of comparisons where PS3 versions come out on top.  PS3 is often the lead platform.  PS3 is selling faster than 360 did, so that will continue to be true.

Hasn't 360 cost more, historically, when you consider the extras you need to buy, online gameplay you need to buy, meltdowns you need to deal with, vs the cool quiet complete PS3 package?

And I don't consider PSN titles at 90 to be as much of an asset to PS3 as full games with 90.  Same as with 360.  Problem?