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"The graphics and gameplay are nearly identical across the platforms, so there is little reason to choose this latest release over the other versions."



"this is a brilliant port ,and it looks exactly like the 360 version"




I m posting this in responce to Squilliam fake thread,,,,if you look at his source in this post:

you will notice that his source is not reilable what so ever, this is the source:

"Yeah, I'm looking at that screenshot (Bioshock PS3), and I'm no expert at pixel counting, but I keep getting something like 1200x675. It's not full 1280x720.

Horizontal jaggies: 30 steps, 32 screenshot-pixels wide.
Vertical jaggies: 30 steps, 32 screenshot-pixels wide.



and to top it off ,the guy was doing this for the demo version of the PS3 (not even the final version)  and he doesn't know how to do it.


Squilliam next time you want to spread rumors make sure you have a better source.

cause if it was the case ,reviewers would mention something, like in the Fallout 3 case.