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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gamespot & Xplay: PS3 Bioshock looks exactly the same as the 360 version.


"The graphics and gameplay are nearly identical across the platforms, so there is little reason to choose this latest release over the other versions."



"this is a brilliant port ,and it looks exactly like the 360 version"




I m posting this in responce to Squilliam fake thread,,,,if you look at his source in this post:

you will notice that his source is not reilable what so ever, this is the source:

"Yeah, I'm looking at that screenshot (Bioshock PS3), and I'm no expert at pixel counting, but I keep getting something like 1200x675. It's not full 1280x720.

Horizontal jaggies: 30 steps, 32 screenshot-pixels wide.
Vertical jaggies: 30 steps, 32 screenshot-pixels wide.



and to top it off ,the guy was doing this for the demo version of the PS3 (not even the final version)  and he doesn't know how to do it.


Squilliam next time you want to spread rumors make sure you have a better source.

cause if it was the case ,reviewers would mention something, like in the Fallout 3 case.




Around the Network

It looks better in some places, the same in others. Like IGN said some places have updated textures from the higher capacity and some places have the same old textures. It's hard to notice sometimes because even the 360 game looked pretty good. The bigger difference is in the music and sound, it sounds a good deal better then in the 360 version especially if you have speakers capable of letting you see the difference between the sound encoding the 360 has to use (from space limitations) and the sound on the PS3.

It's not drastic or game altering, kind of like going from high to very high graphics and 1xAA to 4xAA on a big monitor. It's not huge but is noticeable especially if you own both and can readily compare them.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

Here is what I posted in the last thread about this...


Oh, will the Xealots ever learn...

From IGN...

"For the most part, BioShock on the PS3 is exactly the same as the PC and 360 versions of the game."


"This can also be said about some of the visuals within the game, which have received a number of enhancements, but also suffer from older, less impressive texture work. 2K Games went out of their way to make sure that the larger capacity of the Blu-ray was used to implement higher resolution textures across the title, as well as improve some of the in-game cutscenes. For the most part, you'll see these appear as a slightly sharper Rapture across the board, and you'll be able to pick up some features that look better than on the 360, such as pools of water or neon signage. However, there does appear to be a strange mix of the older textures scattered in the title as well, so you'll find quite a lot of texture pop in that will occur as you move through levels.

From Eurogamer...

"I could, of course, talk about the technical differences between PS3 and 360...except there really aren't any. Or at least none that my human eyes can detect. I'm sure that a future comparison article will tear the frames apart to lay bare exactly how the PS3 code stands up to the 360, but for the vast majority of players it'll be a moot point. It plays at a steady 30 frames-per-second, with no screen tearing that I could see."


"...and the PS3 rises to the occasion every bit as successfully as the 360. Perhaps even more so, since this version is free from the annoying - though eventually patched - cache bug that made the 360 version stutter in the later levels."

From Gamervision...

"The graphics are improved over the original, but not universally. Some textures look better and particle and water effects are occasionally superior, but there are still slow downs and abundant texture pops. Physics glitches will also rear their head from time to time, and it’s apparent that, while 2K took time to make sure PlayStation 3 fans for their moneys worth with BioShock, they didn’t attempt to make this the “definitive” version of the game. It’s been a year since it was released on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and most of the glitches still remain. Taking this time to polish the title and releasing a complete, perfected version of the game was possible, but this isn’t that game."

From Cheat Code Central...

"Graphically, BioShock on PS3 is improved. A lot of care went into the game’s already beautiful, Art Deco-inspired levels, making them even more striking. However, upon first glance, the overall look is identical to what was offered in the original releases; that’s a good thing. What are readily noticeable are the incredibly shiny surfaces; the textures in the PS3 version are quite astonishing. Also, the cinematic cuts are very sharp. Moreover, players familiar with the game will notice that the humorous “twitch glitch” among the corpses of fallen Splicers, so prevalent on the 360 and PC, has been largely done away with this time around. All in all, the game is more stable on the PS3, thanks to the extra year of development. The 360 version especially, was plagued by framerate cascading; every turn you made caused the screen to ripple ever so slightly. This cascading problem has been essentially eliminated, and the game is significantly better for it. Unfortunately, not all the framerate issues were resolved though. When you get into encounters with multiple grenade-toting Nitro Splicers, the ensuing explosions still cause unruly shuddering and freezing."

From Gaming Trend...

"Thanks to a recent patch which shored up a few graphic oddities, Bioshock on the PS3 is almost visually identical to that of its Xbox 360 counterpart. It is true, all good things flow to the city of Rapture. The only way you’ll be able to tell the difference between the two console versions is if you set up two consoles on two TVs and viewed them side-by-side."


"One of the bugs I ran into on the Xbox 360 version was a caching issue that caused a bit of a framerate hitch on long play times. The PlayStation 3 version of Bioshock doesn’t seem to suffer from the same fate – I never saw the framerate dip in any way. Granted, I’m not one of those people who can see the difference between 60 and 55 frames per second, but odds are you aren’t either."

The important thing here is that Bioshock PS3 looks great, and it rivals the 360 version graphically if not better. You can get all technical all you want, but what's pleasing to the eye is what's important. This (a failed attempt to downplay the PS3 version) is really nothing to troll over.



No one responded to this in the original thread.  I wonder why...

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

^^^yea squilliam just wants to spread nonsense ,,so he can troll with that in future