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gamingdevil said: Soulxxx said: I said it in the other thread and I'll say it again, people will eventually find the Wiimote frustrating and arm killing... You know you don't have to throw your hand out of the window to enjoy a Wii Tennis match... I know and everybody knows the PS3 is here to stay... Good sales or not it's gonna give you gameplay/movie playback/graphics like no other [Wii]. All these things (gameplay/movie playback/graphics) are also being offered by PSP and look who wins... DS because it may not offer movie playback/graphics but it offers the most important of the 3 (gameplay) to it's maximum. Same applies to PS3 vs. Wii
It also offers a much lower price point and a previously established hand-held generation (GB, GBA) It's not all about the games, graphics, or movies. You wouldn't buy a DS if it was 300 bucks.