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Do you play mostly online, with friends and family or alone? I play almost entirely by myself now. When I was younger and lived with my family, I used to play about half the time by myself and the rest of the time with my brother or at friend's houses. Now once in a while I might play with my girlfriend but she doesn't like to play much. Occasionally I'll have friends over and we'll play but that is pretty rare.

Now that I'm older and my friends and I all are working different schedules, many of us are with significant others and even others have children. So it's hard to get together to play. Also some of my friends have "outgrown" video games. (Can you believe I'm still friends with these people?) I really miss the old days when I was in grade school and high school and we would play video games all the time. Those were honestly some of the best times in my life, getting together with friends and being mostly care free just sitting back and playing video games.

There's online which I have played a little bit of but it's just not the same. I will probably play a little more online when I get an Xbox 360 or PS3. Wiispeak might make online gaming more fun so I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully a lot of games will use it and maybe it will somehow be compatible with older games as well?

So how do you play video games and what do you prefer?

I'll come up with something better eventually...