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Not exactly sure when I'm going to get this.

i wanna get LBP and Fallout 3...and part of me wants to play Spore as well. I just got finished playing through Persona 3:FES (took a break during mid-terms/EASHL Team/DQVIII) Then there is Resistance 2, Valkyria Chronicles, Mirror's Edge....and even GoW2...and I still want to give Dead Space and Motorstorm:PR a go. Then there is Fable 2...not to mention I've yet to grab ToV and I still want to try IU. Then TOS:DotNW is coming out in mid-November....and then Prince of Persia and Persona 4 in December. Good lord this is be 14/15 again and have all that free time.

At least I can rent and beat a few of these

Guess this can wait a bit...