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dbot said:
NNN2004 said:

dbot said:

You forgot to post that Far Cry 2 runs in a higher native resolution on the PS3 than on the 360. This was reported by Quaz51.

You guys should stop your "technical discussions" regarding the specs and advantages of one console over the other. There is plenty of information published by sites on the web that have people that actually can understand these specs. We no longer need to discuss the power of each system in theoretical terms, just look at the quality of exclusives on each system and you will see the differences.


 and whats about this


i found this link inside ur link.

That proves the point right?  These minor resolution differences do not mean anything.  GTA ran at a lower resolution on the PS3, but most reviewers and even the developer preferred the PS3 version of the game.  I will take a stable framerate over a few extra native pixels everytime.

The native resolution is not an indication of anything.  A lower native resolution can allow a developer to add effects, improve the framerate, etc.  Developers may be more comfortable with the PS3's scaling than the 360's.  These threads are pointless fanboy traps.


Erm, you said that the PS3 version of Far Cry 2 had a higher native resolution than the 360 version. In actuality the 360 version at 960x1080 has a higher native resolution than the PS3 version at 1280x720. How does your initial point being false prove your point?