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wierd... everytime I hear Nintendo refference the three terms core, hardcore and casual they use it in relation to time and core being a totally different usuage; involving the trending sales of a game 'series' and the people who continue to buy it.

It's usually the elitist that would claim they are hardcore while the hardcore are busy being hardcore, to recieve compensation games became hardcore and with that perverse definition of hardcore then it's easy to understand seeing as how accepted the latter is any confusion that may have been incurred.

But I do not recall Nintendo saying a game is hardcore and in this sentence it's clear that Miyamoto is talking about time spent and that the game can facilitate hardcore players; because he understands hardcore gamers as gamers who are looking to invest hours of play into a game. All he is saying is: 'There is a lot that you can do in Wii Music.'

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D