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I've stopped paying attention to reviews a long time ago, I feel although these people who professionally review games have completely lost what it means to be a gamer. They throw around there opinions as if its fact, and completely thrash anything they don't see as "mainstream" or "hardcore". Much like with wii-music, and then when someone does infact fall under said catagories, they are more than happy to throw perfect reviews out and around dispite numerous flaws. I'm sure your aware of the game I'm talking about.

Gaming is a experience, and unless you experience that game for yourself. You shouldn't allow others to judge it for you, thats why EBGames/Gamestop allows returns, thats why you can rent games before purchasing. Everyone has their own opinions, their own expectations. Yours will be completely different from mine in some cases, and similar in others. Does that mean I have the right to tell you what games you should buy by throwing around outstanding reviews?

Honestly, it feels although companies like IGN are paid to give games great reviews. Maybe Rockstar slipped them a couple of bucks to up their game a bit so more people will buy them. It makes sense, if your game scores 7.0 outta 10. People who follow reviews like no tomorrow may be a bit weary about buying a game, but if your game is a perfect 10/10. Well, you'll get a ton more customers with reviews like that. Makes perfect sense to throw a bit of cash towards major reviewing companies for that extra 3 points. Is it morally right? No. Is it profitable? You bet!

The other side is that biased, it appears quite a number of companies are biased, agaist one system or another. Its hard not to be in these console wars. Maybe these biased opinions have gone so extreme that some people simply want to abuse their reviewing powers by attempting to get rid of games all together. So they mark them low in a attempt to sway people agaist buying a game.

I dunno, my opinion places certain groups in a corrupt moral standing. Thats how much faith I have left of reviewers.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?