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Rath said:
bigjon said:
steven787 said:

Even if Obama was as far left as Labor in UK or Socialists in France, you do realize that that is still no where near marxism, communism, or the American common meaning of Socialism. That being said, I wish he was further left just to piss the right off.


 hmm, well in that case I can see that your logic is flawed. It is rather inmature to adjust your political views just to piss off the people you disagree with. Also, just because it is being used in the Uk or France does not mean that it is not Maxist. The Basic Idea stems from Karl Marx. Notice, it is difference to call someone a communist, than to call someone a Maxist. Also last time I checked France had a much higher Unemployment rate than the US.... I guess we know what to expect then.


You do realise who Karl Marx was right? Marxism is the original inventor of communism, he is the guy who defined communism. If somebody is a Marxist it means that they believe in some from of communism (whether its the form of communism Marx himself described is arguable).

Also the UMP is currently in power in France - its a centre-right party. The French socialists aren't the government.


He was partially right and partially wrong.  The developments were probably influenced by his work, but he thought that Communism would begin in the industrialized world, specifically England.  It was mostly successfully implemented in agricultural economies.  Agree with the idea of your post though.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.