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akuma587 said:
cdude1034 said:
steven787 said:



The bill of rights:

Obama votes against torture, for upholding habeas corpus, and protecting the privacy of citizens and legal residents.  McCain is the opposite.  What are all these people complaining about? If you're not doing anything wrong than you have nothing to worry about.  McCain/Palin 2008

More to come... or add your own.


I won't even arguing your other points because frankly I find it's not worth it.

This one however, I find most intriguing. This argument by itself shows the massive amounts of what was wrong with America after 9/11.

It's not about having anything to hide, it's about not allowing the government to blatantly abuse the power we give it. Even if you're not planting a bomb, what's to stop a douchebag Homeland Security employee from going through your text messages for the hell of it? Or your wife from getting her buddy from looking up your phone records and bank account?

I'd rather live free and with the .001% chance of another attack than live scared of my government watching my every move with only a .0005% chance.

Those who sacrafice freedom for safety deserve neither.

Minus your spelling error, you couldn't have stated how I feel any more clearly.



I think you misunderstand me.

I figured out why all you liberals are against properly securing the homeland, because it will get in the way of your leftist plans to overthrow the government and install a Islamo-fascist communist government.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.