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SpartanFX said:
starcraft said:

So you're argument is that the Xbox 360's 2007 line-up was so incredible that neither the Xbox 360 or the PS3's 2008 line-ups can hope to compete?


2007 360 line up was incredible.period.


My argument is that now lack of those type of games in 08, have led to hyping up online mini-games in the 360 crowd instead of hyping full proper retail games. Mini game is not in the same league as a proper retail game with story(geometry wars,Braid =/= bioshock,MGS4,ME,forza2,GT)



I know, GTAIV, COD 5, Gears 2, Fable 2, Left 4 Dead, etc., there is no hype whatsoever for these games.