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His whole life, Barrack went as Barry... until he decided to run for public office.  He has purposely crafted an image of nothing to hide.  Once elected, I bet he will go back to Barry. (I was typing this before my last comment to Akuma.)

Are you OK with a president named Barry?  I'm not.  McCain/Palin 2008


Obama supports Bush's program of funding private charities with religious connections.  I am tired of all these big tax and spend liberals being in the pocket of religious groups.  I'm for politicians who only allow religion to guide their policy making when it's on trivial issues like waging war, denying rights to people who disagree, or science education. 

Obama went to a church for twenty years where the pastor said bad things about the government; conservative churches never say anything bad about the government or the direction of the country.  McCain/Palin 2008

Ties to "radicals":

Barry is going to make Ayers the Secratary of Defense because he can think like a terrorist.  McCain will only promote people who fought governments and killed civilians while wearing a U.S. uniform and under the orders of a civilian leader.  McCain/Palin 2008


Biden slips up sometimes and sounds stupid.  Palin sometimes says stupid things, but says exactly what she means.  Accurate but wrong is better than bumbling and correct.  McCain/Palin 2008

The bill of rights:

Obama votes against torture, for upholding habeas corpus, and protecting the privacy of citizens and legal residents.  McCain is the opposite.  What are all these people complaining about? If you're not doing anything wrong than you have nothing to worry about.  McCain/Palin 2008

More to come... or add your own.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.