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ZenfoldorVGI said:
CrazzyMan said:
in before =))

anyway, next week LBP and then Motorstorm, THIS will be cool. =)

Nice to see you again. Anyway, my reply:

I just wanted to know, because I thought it might have meant "except for the Wii" or something like that.

Remember though, it's fine to get excited about PS3 sales in Others, but there are also two other territories, and celebrations are a bit premature. The 360 is beating the PS3 worldwide this week, most likely. If American numbers were posted first would there still be a Sony celebration aspect to such a thread as this? Of course, there is the price aspect, but lets not pretend like every 360 purchaser is buying a $199 360. You know how much a Pro costs, right? Also, in the end, price is always an excuse. We're talking about actual sales, not potential.

The 360 has been beating the PS3 worldwide for a few weeks, and besides the Fable 2 bump, it looks like the numbers might be getting near leveling off, before the Q4 super-rush. Getting too excited about something like "PS3 beats 360 in others during Fable 2 week by a very small margin" will take away most of the pleasure you will get when the PS3 actually obtains an inevitable victory. The price drops have leveled off, and the predictions for when the PS3 will overtake second place are getting further down the road. If you'll remember, earlier this year, some people commented that the PS3 would be ahead by January 09. Momentum has slightly shifted back towards Microsoft since E3, and while the PS3 is still the likely victor for 2nd place this generation, it's a little early to be throwing parties in weekly Others threads, imo.


you said it yourself for a few weeks and even so the 360 haven't managed to eat up the lead the ps3 have....

yes ps3 its getting a delay... but take it mind the ps3 just have to keep stronger a year longer than the 360 to outselll it at this rate its looking very possible.