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JaggedSac said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
DMeisterJ said:

Europeans really didn't care for Fable 2 that much, seeing as that the PS3 still won over 360.



DMeisterJ wrote:

Okay Zen, for the truth, I'm generally the same as I was before, it's just funner to troll than to be an objective poster. Being objective and serious all the time is boring, I like spicing up threads.

mrstickball wrote:

According to ioi's estimates (which are just estimates as more data comes in), Fable 2 will indeed clear 1m on the week - without Japan.

700k+ North America
304k PAL/Others


Zenfoldor thinks:

Your assumptions are incorrect.


And it was all doom and gloom for the 360 before the price drop.


are trying to say that it wasn't? because if the ww price drop never happened, 360 would be pushing sub 120k numbers. without fail, or with, however you look at it.