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Soulxxx said: I know and everybody knows the PS3 is here to stay... Good sales or not it's gonna give you gameplay/movie playback/graphics like no other [Wii]. And when the Wii drops, people will see the reason in PS3. And currently, It's outselling the 360, and when the March stats come in, you're gonna see it more clearly than ever. Just my prediction.
I must say that I think you are a little bit blind here. I honestly think that PS3 would have sold more than xbox360 and Wii combined if it didn't cost 600 USD. Now it does and Wii has a lot of good press so why should Wii drop during marsh and why is PS3 suddently going from below 150k to above 250k (which I think xbox360 avarage montly sale for the moment).



Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!