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Here is why that story is ignorant:

The title: PS3 selling more games than Xbox 360 with smaller install base.

Yet, the actual story only proves that the 360 makes more revenue for 4 3rd party companies last quarter, and that's it. Period. It makes no other claims.

Thus, the title is misleading and factually incorrect because:

1. Game revenue does not equal all games sold. The title implies numeric number of games sold is higher on the PS3, and that's just not true.

2. This is an analysis of 3rd party games, yet the title clearly indicates all games(ie first party games and other 3rd party games that aren't included).

3. This analysis is cherrypicked. The only examples presented here are from publishers that help with the authors point.

Of the 4 companies it encompasses, 1 of them recently released MGS4.

4. Counting Konami for the PS3, is the equivelant of counting Epic for the 360. Yet the article never mentions MGS4.

It only uses examples that prove its point and it presents no contradicting evidence.

It also states a completely different and unprovable point in its title.

This is worse than the Wii NYT article, saying the Wii doesn't sell as may games as the PS3 or 360. In this article, there are also 2 misspelled words.

Anyone can see past this fallacy. The question is, do you choose to see the truth, or accept the lie? It's amazing what people will accept as long as it correlates with their hope.

As for this line:

"The future for the PS3 looks bright and healthy, however if the current trend continues the Xbox 360 might find itself struggling to compete in the market."

Well, you tell me if this article is fair and balanced?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.