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axumblade said:
jasonnc80 said:
axumblade said:
mrstickball said:

I praised Eternal Sonata when I actually was involved in playing it, and the good/bad sides of the game hadn't sank in yet. Go check when the last time I praised ES was - It was almost a year ago.

Did you ever play a game that you really liked, but after time, realized it just wasn't as good as you thought it was? Maybe you never have, oh god of VGChartz, but ES was one of those games - just like Enchanted Arms, or Two Worlds.

And yes, I'm on a second playthrough, but I haven't finished it - despite owning ES for a whole year. It's not the easiest to trudge through the game on a 2nd playthrough just for achievements. But I want to since I'm high-er up on the list of best RPG gamers on the X360. That's why I'm doing the achievvements. If I wanted to play an RPG with replay value, I'd play Oblivion or Mass Effect :)


How does a person enjoy playing a game and then afterwards decide that they didn't enjoy it? I don't quite understand. Not every game is meant to be played time and time again. Some games are great the first time you play them and then lose that luster because you know how the game goes but it doesn't change the fact that it was enjoyable the first time around. Maybe we have different views on playing a game. If I enjoy a game for onlythe first time through, I consider it a good game with no replay value.


I don't see why it would be hard to fathom that later on after playing through a game going back would make you see a lot of the flaws that you glazed over the first time.  I am in the same boat about the game.  I liked ES but going back for the encore playlist some of the flaws in the game started to become quite annoying.  I still had fun with the game and am working through it as we speak (well if I had a functioning box ).  I would recommend picking it up too.  Although I think older ports shouldn't be priced like they are but that's another debate for a different day.  It's also as easy as checking somebody's gamertag to see if they are full of shit or not about replaying something. 

Maybe you are right though that only the experience you have with something the first time should be what matters.  I mean that's what most newcomers to the game will experience themselves. Not every game (or movie, music, book or whatever) stays fresh for a repeat performance.  On the other hand having somebody give their honest opinion about something doesn't always mean they're out to belittle it out of spite for the platform it's on.


I wasn't necessarily saying he was belittling it because of the platform, i was simply stating that when I play a game through the first time and enjoy it, it's x amount of hours that I had fun playing the game, as opposed to a game that got old 5 minutes in.

Sorry I didn't mean to address you specifically with that part (mainly just the first paragraph).  I just went on a tangent with my post and wanted to speak my mind about other opinions on the thread.  I apologize that it looked that way.

It took me about 20 hours to beat the game too.  When I first went back to replay it a few months ago I did the extra dungeon which added an extra 8-10 hours.

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