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Starcrafts signature, the shining beacon of Xbox 360 game awesomeness, may get a lot better by the time the years out.

Currently we have 17 90+ games on the charts with new entries Fable 2 and Portal being recent additions. But with quite a few awesome games to come we could see that 20 mark being met and surpassed before the end of the year.

Fallout 3

Left 4 Dead

Gears of War 2

Prince of Persia

Dead Space might get a little push? (Currently 89%)

Mirrors Edge

etc, so its going to be a big holiday season. So big infact that I predict the Xbox 360 will have 22 90+ games before the end of the year. Thats almost 8 games per year of general gaming goodness finding extreme favour in reviewers hearts.

So is that awesome or what?

Btw if you mention a certain other console you're probably being a douche.


