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I`ve been a PC player for a long time and will not stop. But when you have the option of insert&play, optimisation and steady framerate,it`s hard to ignore. I will never stop loving the PC,but developers/publishers are turning to consoles for profit and forgetting the PC because of piracy. The cost of PC optimisation is more or less then the consoles one,so it`s piracy.

Also,i`m tired of upgradin for more frames per second and see how my expensive PC turns into a cheap PC in about 12-24 months. The consoles lifetime is measured in years,not months.

And then there`s the controller,that is simple and i like that against my keyboard. Plus,games look good on my plasma.

So i say get a 360 for AW and other games,but try to find a Jasper model ( November or December) or,if you can delay your purchase in January or February,i say go for it. Just my 2 cents.

I can tell you that i`ve played Gears and Mass Effect on PC and then on the 360. What a difference on the 360. Even if you connect your pc to plasma or lcd,it will never play the same(confortable,anywhere in the room,co-op,steady frame rate).

I player Far Cry 2 and it looks like Crysis,so i`m pleased with my 360. Like i said,wait for the Jasper model so you can sleep well at night and not be bother by the rrod booghyman. The Falcon model is very reliable,the Jasper one will continue that trend.