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ssj12 said:
Onyxmeth said:
ssj12 said:
Microsoft are seriously major pricks of this is true. Sony is happy when companies sell their game early.. Microsoft flips out? wtf... shows Sony is the better company.

Yup. Sony would never do some rotten shit like that.

Off-topic but does anyone know why my Lik Sang order didn't go through?



not at all the same. Sony was trying to stop importers from getting their hands on a product that could have had different software and be incompatible with games released in the EU due to region coding. So really they were protecting their fanbase.

That's an awfully funny spin you have there. Especially considering games are region free on PSP. What's also funny is that there are plenty of sites that sell import PSP's now with no known legal action being taken against them. It seems Sony only wanted to stop EU from getting PSP's until it was available in their territory. After that Sony didn't care who imported. So basically they didn't want EU to JUMP THE RELEASE DATE. Sound at all in the ballpark of this Fable 2 thing, or do you just want to come up with a new excuse? Sony must be the better company. They didn't fine a large corporation for chump change, they just put a well respected import site six feet under.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.