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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - K-Mart gets punished for selling Fable 2 early
For those who don't know, K-Mart sold Fable 2 in Australia. Now they are getting punished with a $10,000 fine and they can't sell Gears of War 2 for 2 weeks he CML group Target and Myer. I don't think were gonna see any stores sell games early for awhile because not selling Gears 2 for 2 weeks is a lot of money lost.

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thats messed up, its bad enough kmart has to compete with wal mart, and at the end of the day its not like anyone was harmed over selling a game early....

Microsoft are seriously major pricks of this is true. Sony is happy when companies sell their game early.. Microsoft flips out? wtf... shows Sony is the better company.

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Lol, wtf?

it's unfair for the competitor if you sell a game early. That's the rule of the game, and if you don't get punished, you'll repeat the offense.

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I dont get why they have strict release dates, if they get stock early why not let the shop sell it and make money and the consumer have their game to play.

The street date should be that the shops will have the game in stock no later.


misteromar mk4 said:
I dont get why they have strict release dates, if they get stock early why not let the shop sell it and make money and the consumer have their game to play.

The street date should be that the shops will have the game in stock no later.

Because it's unfair to other stores. If everyone buys it at one store because they got it early then another store will lose sales and maybe they'll get mad and no longer keep their games in stock.

Oh well. At least we'll have all the layaway business this year.


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ssj12 said:
Microsoft are seriously major pricks of this is true. Sony is happy when companies sell their game early.. Microsoft flips out? wtf... shows Sony is the better company.

How are they pricks?  They acted to protect every other retailer out there that played by the rules.  Just because Sony is happy to betray it's retail partners doesn't mean Microsoft should be.

Btw, this is K-Mart Australia, so there is no Walmart to compete with.


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Australia only. And its not $10,000 per store, its just a $10k fine for the company.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS