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I'm a graphic designer and I will tell you the answer: cause we are lazy!!!

Jk.. Most of the time when you get an assignment like this, the videogamecompany doesn't let you have any freedom at all.. they provide the images that you can use and 99% of the time they will say something like: "Do you know the cover of *insert game here*?? Something like that..."

And there are those generic rules that will sell a game based on boxart:

"A Dynamic pose" concept works the best to attract attention to a box cover so the gamebox shouts there is a lot of action & fun in the game..

or the "Stuff it full with everything" concept.. cause that will look like it's a big game with full of possibilties..

And lately there is the "EPIC" concept where it resembles a big budget Movie.. You get a feeling from the boxart that the game is reaaaallly epic and once in a lifetime experience..

but these rules are more for the male teen crowd..

For the girls and soccermoms:

A Smile on the boxart, cute animal, cute anything, lots of white, simpel to the point & did I already said a smile on the boxart?

These are some rules that just work and sell games.. ofcourse I could make a fancy pancy art piece for a boxcover but when the audience sees it and thinks "wtf is this?" then I wouldn't do my job..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)