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mrstickball said:
naznatips said:

Another day it pays off to have both consoles.

@Stickball the story at the very least was mentioned in both reviews as being more fleshed out and better in general thanks to the extra story content and cutscenes. Also, I really hate hypocrits, and this is the height of that. First of all, you praised Eternal Sonata numerous times before it was no longer a 360 exclusive. Hell, I even remember you praising Enchanted Arms. Sorry but people like you bother the hell out of me. Please maintain your opinion regardless of the platforms the games are on.

I praised Eternal Sonata when I actually was involved in playing it, and the good/bad sides of the game hadn't sank in yet. Go check when the last time I praised ES was - It was almost a year ago.

Did you ever play a game that you really liked, but after time, realized it just wasn't as good as you thought it was? Maybe you never have, oh god of VGChartz, but ES was one of those games - just like Enchanted Arms, or Two Worlds.

ES was the first of a few JRPGs out on the X360. Forgive me, but when it came out, there weren't many comparisons (if you know of any this-gen JRPGs that came out before ES that I didn't play, please let me know). As time went on, and more JRPGs such as Lost Odyssey, and especially Tales of Vesperia have come out, the good points of Eternal Sonata....Just haven't seemed as good since most other games have ended up better.

And again, Naz...Show me the last time I praised Eternal Sonata. Last time I said it was awesome was well before it was announced as a multi-plat.

And Konnichiwa - Exactly how am I badmouthing ES? I was being honest with Playstation 3 owners, so they know what to expect. I've said time and time again, the game is around a 7.5-8.0 depending on how you play it (multiplayer or not was a major factor in it being good when I co-op'ed the entire game w/ my fiancee)

Go play ES, I dare you - and tell me what weak points the game has. If you can say the game is awesome in every way, then I'd question how long you've played JRPGs.

I'll gladly give you the quick rundown of things I do and do not like about ES (and mind you, I've reccomended ES to Playstation 3 owners before. I can find that post if you like).


Great visuals

Perfect Music

Good combat system (to start with)


Battle system gets repetitive later on

Atrocious storyline

Borked difficulty/character management (you stay with 2 of the 3 characters due to being so overpowered)

Economy renders money useless - I had all the gold I needed within 30 minutes of starting.

And yes, I'm on a second playthrough, but I haven't finished it - despite owning ES for a whole year. It's not the easiest to trudge through the game on a 2nd playthrough just for achievements. But I want to since I'm high-er up on the list of best RPG gamers on the X360. That's why I'm doing the achievvements. If I wanted to play an RPG with replay value, I'd play Oblivion or Mass Effect :)

And Naz, what part of 'Eternal Sonata is worth picking up for PS3' did you not get? How was that bashing? I have legitimate issues with Eternal Sonata (have you played it?) which are valid, but still reccomend it to Playstation 3 owners, despite my negativity. It's not a game I'd buy for $60, since most of the game falls apart later in the game, souring the desire to play through a 2nd time, but it's still worth a rent at a minimum (for gorgeous cell shading, and excellent co-op gameplay), or purchase if it wasn't $60.

I'm just trying to get the point across that it's not a 8.7 game, as I really question if Namco fixed the major issues. IGN said there were cutscenes added, but failed to say if they fixed the storyline - and even then, they'd of had to re-write 80% of the cutscenes to make sense due to the nonsensical plot near the end (and if you think I ever liked that part, check the old MS forum posts about trying to figure out the story line).

Now that you mentioned it, I am starting to like Lost Odyssey a little less.  The game is decent but the game's flaws are becoming more apparent to me.