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Wasn't Ghostbusters caned?

And the Wii has so much to look forward to in 2009, especially on the RPG front, titles like Fragile, tales of Symphonia, Arc Rise, FF: CC, and the untitled Konami and Square Wii RPG projects ect.

Plus all the other stuff like Wii Motion Plus, Wii speak, Punch Out, Sin and Punishment 2, Space Walker, Kid Icarus, No More Heroes 2, Mad World, The Conduict, Red Steel 2, Dead Rising, Deadly Creatures, Pikmin 3, Pikmin and Metroid Wii-makes and Monster Hunter 3 plus all the stuff I forgot..

Hopefully well get to see Disaster: Day of Crisis, and Fatal frame IV in 2009 too, if 2008 wont let us..

And Nintendo is bound to show of the new Zelda Wii in 2009, perhaps it wil even see a relase next year, and then there's all the other Nintendo franchies peolple are still waiting for - like Wave Racer, 1080, Donkey Kong, Eternal darkness, Pilot Wings and Star Fox - plus new IP's..
And maybe the rumored straight sequel to Super Mario Galaxy..

And then there's the inevitable price drop, and maybe the new colors, if these things happen in 2009, the Wii will most likely become as imposible to get a hold of as when it was relased..

So I really don't see, whats up with the "Umm" parts in the Nintendo section of your topic, since 2009 is definetly shaping up to be just as great a year, if not better for the Wii..