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Hmm. Interesting.

Neither review said that this version of Eternal Sonata fixed the major flaws in the X360 version.

1) The story sucked. Bad.
2) Dungeon design was horrible. Some of the worst designing since the SNES days.
3) Combat was/is shallow
4) Economy was unbalanced

In the reviews, they say everything else around those areas. It seems like the reviewers never really dug into Eternal Sonata to 'get' the fact that it was a mess compared to 80% of other RPGs out there.

Eternal Sonata is worth picking up, since it seems like the PS3 version is 'definitive' in some way. But it's like Enchanted Arms: Is a definitive version of a mediocre-to-good game really that awesome?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.